Tuesday, August 25, 2020


    The lockdown

 I thought it was okay and fine

But it felt  like I was on a long line

When is it gonna end

My back's gonna bend

2020 is getting worser

U know that sir

It's not fair I cannot get fresh air

Police and desups everywhere

Well they are here too

I think it's for our safety news

I guess

But I respect these people 

They are doing it for us

They are not zeros 

They are heroes

I am lmportant

Think about the world 

7.594 billion people

7 continents

195 countries

And from all of the countries

There is a country

Called Bhutan

There are twenty dzongkhags

And I am from one dzongkhag

Called Punakha

Everything is not you

Your kneck is not a shirt

So don't hang it

Your wrist is not a paper

So don't cut it

Your heart is not a lock 

So don't lock it

Your life is not a movie

So don't end it

Because in my eyes 

You  are special

You are a great person

That does amazing thing

And I am only one

From all these things

But I am important and special

I love myself

And I never wanna hurt myself

I am a girl

I love doing lots of fun stuff

And I am me

I love myself

         I Wish

I wish, I wish, I wish

That one day I can be good at baking

I wish, I wish, I wish

That my brother is not annoying and naughty

I wish, I wish, I wish

That my family stays happy forever

I wish, I wish, I wish

That my mother will let me cook

I wish, I wish, I wish

That this lockdown will end

I wish, I wish, I wish

That all my wishes will be granted

Chapter: Ten

          The Tragedy

While the family went home sadly an earthquake came and the family got really scared. They ran out of their car because a really   big rock was gonna hit the car. They got of the road and panicked. The bear knew the family was gonna be in trouble so he ran to the family. An earthquake came again and the bear was not even halfway. The family prayed to god  and was really scared. The bear ran and ran until he reached the family. Then an earthquake struck again and cracked the road in half. The bear was on the other  side and the family on the opposite. The family screamed a lot while the bear tried to help. An earthquake struck again . The rocks on the hills started to roll of . The family was gonna die. The bear jumped into action and jumped to the family. He took them in a safe place. Then they forgot to bring their boy . The family in  surprise found their baby dead and was really shocked . The mom got a heart attack and died as well . Now the father  and his son  was only left. But they didn't be sad and moved on as it was their mothers wish. The boy grew up to be a great person  and lived happily even if they were sad ever after.


        The Bear's Love

One day the family decided to go on a trip to where the boy was raised by the bear . They had fun on the way and ate a lot while traveling.  

The bear puked as he was really dizzy. When they reached the place , it surprisingly changed a lot. The grass grew longer, more trees grew and  the forest looked absolutely different  from the past. They all layed a mat for them to lay and rest on as they were really tired by the trip.

 They talked while the bear searched for his old cave . It took him some while to search for his old cave. At last he found his old cave and there was was something he didn't expect to see in his old cave. It was a mama bear and her three little cubs. The mama bear was Soo pretty to the bear , so he   live in his cave. The family got worried about  the bear so the boy decided to search for the bear. He saw the bear near the mama bear . The mama bear and the bear lived  close  to eachother and the cubs also didn't have a father , so the bear wanted to be their. The bears were   back to happy family . The boy  couldn't do anything  but was really happy for the bear  and went to tell his wife. They decided to take the bear and his new family home  but  he  refused and  decided to stay in the forest. So the boy and his wife said good bye  to the bear sadly and went home.


 The new member of the family

The next day the family moved again but that place was better. The bear ate and enjoyed sleeping under the sun. He took  the couple's baby for a walk and everyone  got scared. He tried to be friendly but the people  screamed and ran away. The bear got really hurt as he couldn't make any friends. He acted normal at home and refused to go outside. The couple knew about it and told everyone that the bear is friendly . The couple one day  forced the bear to go outside.  The people started being nice  to him. The bear got happy and everybody led him very much. Years passed by and the family grew bigger. The couple got pregnant and was really happy. Their first baby grew up to a beautiful child and loved her soo much. They  waited for the new baby. Nine months finished and the wife had so much pain . The baby was beautiful and  they were so happy and joyful. They celebrated the baby's  first birthday as she turned one . The baby was named Emily as it was a beautiful name.

Chapter: Seven

 # The Bear Killer#

The next day they decided  about leaving the village for the city because the village  had many  earthquakes before. They moved to a city called the Bear city. The  fan ly thought that it was a great  place for the bear as he had no friends. But it didn't well as they expected. It was  a city who kills bear and eats their meat. The people there killed bears and sold them expensive to other cities. The people in the city enjoyed and loveseat of bears.  One day  the family decided to try bears meat. But the bear was intelligent and followed the couple. He got really hurt he went back to the village  where they lived after in the forest. The couple regretted their  decision  but loved the bear meat. They went back but couldn't find the bear  in the forest and the village. The bear was fighting with some  people from the bear city because they wanted to kill the family and take the bear. The family noticed the bear under a tree  sleepy and crying. They went to him and took him home. The bear had  a knive stabbed on his belly. But he  didn't die. They immediately took him to the bear to the vetinary  hospital and treated him . They apologized the bear, and the bear forgave them  as they helped him alot. He ate a big amount  of food as he was starving.


# The earthquake #

One day  everybody in the village were warned of big earthquakes. That  might wreck some houses. They were not sure when the earthquake would  come. 

Everyone got scared . The family practiced going to an open place and to get under the table.

 One week passed  by and the earthquake didn't come. Every body thought it was a false alarm. One day the alarm rang and everyone  panicked . 

The family got under a table. But they forgot about the bear. The bear  was growling for help but no one heard him . 

The boy was  worried, so he got out of  the table and risked his life to save the bear. The boy ran downstairs and outside. He took the bear  and went out to an open place.

  He forgot about his wife and his baby. So again he risked his life and went inside back in the house to get his wife and baby. 

They  got out . They all hugged eachother as they  thought they were gonna die. But they  survived. 

 A house near  their house collapsed but the people inside survived with severe injury. The family were   happy and the alarm rang saying they can go  home. 

They went home  and some of the things broke but  it didn't matter for them if the family is okay. They gave the bear something to eat and drink  because the bear was hungry and thirsty. His wife gave the baby  some milk  as the baby was crying.


 # Bear in the village#

What a beautiful life", he thought.  They moved into an apartment together  and saved some money to buy a big house, when they have children . 

One day the girl got pregnant. The boy was so happy, they even did a gender reveal party. After so much money saving, they bought a big house. It was very beautiful.

 After nine months the baby  was born  and they celebrated. The baby was a girl. The boy and the girl became parents. They bought baby stuff for their girl as he was very special to them. They two got some better jobs. They got richer and richer.

 The boy went  to meet the  bear again as he wanted to  know what was happening. He went there and  the bear was sobbing.  He  told the bear , not to cry but the bear cried because he missed the boy  so much.

 The boy told the bear ,  he got married and the bear was a grandparent now. The bear was so happy . The boy took the bear  home  and introduced him to the villagers. At first the villagers got scared but hearing the story about the bear's kindness they  loved the bear. The bear lived in the boy's backyard and he loved it. He had a place to  eat  and also a place to sleep. His bed was very comfy. Sometimes he would let the baby sleep on his belly. The baby liked  the bear much .

Monday, August 10, 2020

Chapter Four

,#Love at First Sight# 

The boy reached the village and thought of how to start  a new happy life. He  drank some tea and went on the way to the orphanage to see what  was going on.

On the way he saw a very beautiful girl. Whose eyes are glittering  like a star. He stopped for a while, took a deep breath and  thought ,' what a beautiful girl'. 

At first glance he fell in love with her  and wanted to start a new life with  her. He went to her and introduced  himself to get a little closer to the girl. 

The boy and girl talked for  a while and had great time together and  from  that  day they became friends. They two went to the same  school together.  Years went by and they started loving each other. 

 It  was nearly time for their graduation. They two graduated and were so happy.They two had a wonderful  time together. They love and admire  each other. The boy wanted the girl to marry him so he saved up some money and bought a ring. 

 He called her for  a date and proposed her that night. She got so happy and said yes . The boy and the girl saved  some money for a wedding party. After one year of hardwork the girl got to buy a wedding dress  and had a simple wedding party. They were so happy  and  danced together.

Chapter Three


# The Baby boy and the Bear#

"What a beautiful place and people,"  he sighed.

Who looked like him. He got so excited, he tripped over  a stone while running. The bear was sad  and  regretted  for his decision about  letting the boy go. 

The boy ran excited but he couldn't understand their language nor they could  understand what he was saying. He struggled a lot but he showed  sign language to the people and they pretty much understood him. 

A man saw him lonely and hungry  so he took  him to the orphanage, as the boy had  no one to take care of him. The boy liked the orphanage  and also went to school.

 He grew up to be a very intelligent man and he learned how to talk.

 He never forgot about the bear so one day he went to meet the bear. It had  been many years so there were changes in the forest  and he couldn't find the cave of the bear. 

 He heard a noice of a bear and followed it. Finally he reached the bear but he changed, so the bear couldn't recognize him and started to attack him.

 The boy quickly said some animal language and the bear started hugging  him. The bear got quite old but never died because of his specialty. They got on in the cave  and talked to each other about their life. Tears rolled down the boys eyes as he missed the bear so much . The bear also wanted to cry but holded his tears back. 

 They were so happy to meet again. But the boy  had to go back to the village and start  a new life. So he said goodbye  and went back to the village to start a new life.