Saturday, April 4, 2020

Journal 4th  April  saterday

Today was also a sad day. I didn't mean that my parents hit me it is that my dad is gone on a desup training for 21 days.
Let me tell you how he went today. It was a normal day and we all woke up and I started sewing a teddy bear. It took me so much time and the process was good. I then ate breakfast and we studied. I was given a break of two hour to watch my phone. Then I watched my phone and had fun. We didn't  learn today because it is Saturday . My bear had no eyes, nose and mouth so I started making  it a face . Then my grandma prepared pancakes for lunch. After lunch my father prepared to go and packed all his things. Then  me and my cousins gave our dad a goodbye hug and he left with my mother as the driver. After about 1 hour she came back with chocolate and we ate it happily. Then we studied dzongkha and had tea. After that I wrote my journal and slept.

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